I am Brett Valls, an award-winning creative director and designer based out of Cincinnati, Ohio. For the past 14 years I have helped brands ranging from scrappy startups to Fortune 500 brands use design as a vehicle to increase revenue and grow their customer base.



I caught the design bug as a child from my father Bill who has been a successful industrial designer for over forty years.

As early as five, my brother and I would visit my father's studio where he would give us a tour of his product sketches, design prototypes, tell stories, and share his deep passion for design with both of us.

My father's willingness to share his passion for design has given me a life-long appreciation for design and aesthetics that continues to play a major role in my career today.


University of Cincinnati & Abroad

In 2012 I received my BFA in Electronic Media from the University of Cincinnati. This multi-disciplinary program educated me with a wide variety of multimedia, including courses in broadcasting, journalism, filmmaking, and digital design. I'm forever thankful for the courses and professors whose lessons have helped to shape me into the design leader I am today.

In the summer of 2011 I studied abroad in Munich, Germany studying at the prestigious Ludwig Maximilian University majoring in New Media Design and making life-long memories and friends from around the globe in the process.


Starting a Side Hustle

Toastworthy Design has been my side-hustle, full-service freelance design operation since 2010 which I started when I was a sophomore in college.

I get tremendous satisfaction from helping small-to-medium sized businesses which require high-caliber creative work. Projects range in scope, as small as needing some assistance amplifying a new initiative to as large as designing an entire brand system for a new startup.

Because I am a voracious learner, Toastworthy Design enabled me to grow my skill set broadly and play a critical role in the growth and success of businesses and causes I care about.


Why is it Called 'Toastworthy'?

Many years ago I stumbled upon cookbooks and videos from bread masters like Ken Forkish and Chad Robinson and I have fallen in madly in love with the art of baking bread.

Breadmaking is a simple and beautiful craft that requires patience, learning, and technique; much like the design industry!

The experience of breadmaking is very rewarding and has become my favorite hobby. I often document my bakes in my Facebook group Cincinnati Cooks.



I advocate for organizations who crave beautiful brands, products, and experiences. My broad range of design, interpersonal, and leadership skills are used to help clients connect with their target audience and increase their revenue. I believe that strategy drives tactics, so I am experienced in creating whatever deliverable is most appropriate to meet my clients' needs.


Let's Bake Up a Project Together